Curious about Citizen Science and how could this approach be effectively supported by your organisation? Recently, Citizen Science raised a lot of interest and equally, a lot of questions. Where could it be applied? Is it worth it? What skills and resources are needed? Is my institution doing Citizen Science already?

In 2016, LERU recommended universities establish a single point of contact for citizen science. We took that recommendation and turned it into a prototype which was published in 2020. It is called BESPOC (Broad Engagement in Science, Point of Contact) Since then, we developed the prototype into a model which offers a solution for central support services for citizen science.

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Webinar: LibOCS – LIBER Workshop on BESPOC Implementation at 5 Baltic Universities

The LibOCS Project involves 6 LIBER member institutions (Tartu University (project leader), University of Latvia, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas University of Technology, TalTech Tallin, and SKS Knowledge Services).
One distinct characteristic of LibOCS is the implementation of the BESPOC prototype as a model for central services for citizen science at the involved universities.

Registration for participation in the webinar is now open. You are invited to register (free) and participate in this webinar. The registration link is here.

Please save the date in your calendar:
Date: April 11th (Thursday) at 14:30 CET (13:30 UK, 15:30 EET)
Presenters: representatives from the aforementioned institutions. Generous time for questions, answers and dialogue.

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