LibOCS: University libraries strengthening the academia-society connection through citizen science in the Baltics
LibOCS has 5 objectives:
The 1st objective aims to map drivers and barriers of civic engagement in Open Science and share in-depth insights on the role academic libraries can play in Citizen Science activities in the region.
The 2nd objective is to start and maintain a dialogue and action plan among Higher Education teaching/research staff and librarians in the Baltic states, collaborating on Citizen Science project that involves any volunteer. It will provide an opportunity to focus strategically on the position of libraries in contemporary information societies.
The 3rd objective is to conduct LibOCS training to improve the Citizen Science and Open Science skills of academic and library personnel in the Baltics.
The 4th objective is to create institutional change through testing and implementing a citizen science single point of contact in participating LibOCS universities.
The 5th objective is to create an Open Access toolkit for librarians on the topic of citizen science with all tools available as open educational resources (OER), open to (re-)use, and repurposing.