The webinar “Collaboration and participation perspectives for open research in the Baltics: researchers, citizens, librarians as partners” will bring together professional and amateur researchers, teaching staff, volunteers, librarians, and other memory institution professionals, as well as other interested parties, to explore and discuss how to empower scientists and the community to resolve ecologic, social and other problems.


The participants in the webinar will gain a broader understanding of the importance of involving and cooperating with citizens in the research process. The partnership between professional researchers, society, memory institutions, and other specialists can lead to the development of open culture in research and to a knowledgeable society and reduce the need for various resources like energy and time necessary for research.

The primary goal of the “LibOCS” project is to find out how libraries can become better research partners through their services and competencies. The webinar will introduce the results of the project’s two studies, in which professional researchers, citizens, and specialists from memory institutions from the Baltics kindly agreed to participate as respondents. The webinar will take place during the annual International Open Access Week.

Where: Zoom platform (You will receive an email with the session details and the link to the online meeting room after registration.)
When: Tuesday, October 25th
Time: 15:00 EEST (duration ~ 90 min)

Agenda of the webinar:

15.00 Welcome – Gita Rozenberga

15.10 Research, a Public Culture in 2065. A retrospective view on how Research became popular – Tiberius Ignat

15.25 A Brief Overview of the LibOCS Project – Liisi Lembinen

15.30 Librarians as Partners in Citizen Science: Drivers and Barriers – Svea Kaseorg

15.55 Collaboration in Citizen Science Projects and Research Activities: Views and Practice – Gita Rozenberga

16.15 Competence Needs for Supporting Citizen Science – Aiste Pranckute

16.25 Questions/Comments

Target audience: Research and academic staff from the Baltic universities and research institutes, scientists, doctorate students, amateur researchers, volunteers, implementers of amateur science projects, employees of academic and public libraries, and professionals from other memory institutions and interested parties.
Working language: English
Registration is required for this event: REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR

Registration information will be used only for the organization of the webinar and deleted after the event. The event will be recorded. The recording will be publicly available on the YouTube channel of the Library of the University of Latvia and the LibOCS website. If you do not want your video and audio recordings published, you can turn off your camera and microphone during the entire event.

Facebook Event

The webinar is organized within the LibOCS (University libraries strengthening the academia-society connection through citizen science in the Baltics) project, implemented by an international team of partners from the University of Tartu, University of Latvia, Kaunas Technological University, Vytautas Magnus University, Tallinn University of Technology, Web2Learn and Immer Besser GmbH.

More information about the project is available on the project website.
The project is implemented with the support of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership program. Project Number: Nr. 2021-1-EE01-KA220-HED-000031125

Contact details:
Gita Rozenberga
The Library of the University of Latvia
LibOCS project (Latvia)
E-mail: gita.rozenberga[@]