Citizen Science Portals

Citizen science portals enable scientists to introduce their work and find people who would like to help them achieve their research goals. The volunteers, on the other hand, can explore ways to kick-start their career in citizen science and find projects they are interested in joining. The portals can be international or local, supported by the state or funded by different institutions like universities or NGO-s. Many projects today are focused on natural sciences but there are options in the humanities as well. All platforms let volunteers work conveniently at their own pace and provide fantastic support and materials to make the research process simple and smooth.

We have brought out some of the well-known portals that are great examples of an active community and project abundance. Browse the projects and study the platforms’ functions and possibilities to get involved.

Portals in the Baltic States

  • Piliečių mokslo asociacija, a Lithuanian Citizen Science portal that includes local projects.
  • Dabas Dati, a Latvian nature observation portal.
  • PlutoF provides online services to manage biological data fully integrated and ready for analyses or publishing.


EU-Citizen.Science platform includes resources that can be used for planning and running citizen science projects, offers training resources, and lists citizen science projects for learning and collaboration. Organisations involved in citizen science projects and research can make their own profile.


Zooniverse is an international platform that offers a wide range of projects from the fields of sciences and humanities that citizen scientists can participate in. Their goal is to enable large-scale research that would be impossible or impractical to carry out without volunteers.


iNaturalist is an American social network of naturalists, citizen scientists, and biologists, making it a community of biodiversity science and nature conservation. They also act as a crowdsourced species identification system and an organism occurrence recording tool.


mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen, a central platform for citizen science in Germany.

A short overview and suggestions for choosing a platform and some key elements to pay attention to when setting up a citizen science project’s website or profile, are given in the video by LibOCS partner UL Library. It is an introductory video about citizen science platforms and how to make them work for you.